Open Source

Introducing vLLM Inference Provider in Llama Stack

AI/ML Innovation in the Kubernetes Ecosystem

Recent innovations like the Model Registry, ModelCars feature, and TrustyAI are delivering manageability, speed, and accountability for AI/ML workloads

Open Source AI at Red Hat: Our Journey in the Kubeflow Community

Empower Conversational AI at Scale with KServe

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe Co-located Event Deep Dive: Cloud Native AI Day

What's new in Argo Workflows v3.5

Exciting New Features with Improved User Experience and Performance

Introducing the AI Assistant for Argo CD inside Akuity Platform

Argo CD extension to help developers quickly analyze any issues in your Argo CD Applications

From Argo to Mentoring and Everything In Between

Humans of Cloud Native

Argo Security Automation with OSS-Fuzz

Continuous Fuzzing Integration in Argo

Unveil the Secret Ingredients of Continuous Delivery at Enterprise Scale with Argo CD

Deep Dive into Argo CD and Best Practices for Operating at Enterprise-Scale

ArgoCon 2021 Akuity Team Recap

Impressive Numbers From This Conference and Recap on the 4 Sessions From the Akuity Team

Announcing New Book: Distributed Machine Learning Patterns

Building Large Scale Machine Learning Systems

社区分享 | 玩转 TensorFlow 社区开源贡献

Introduction to Kubeflow MPI Operator and Industry Adoption


An Interview with CSDN (

Sponsoring My Open Source Efforts through GitHub

DeepMind TF-Replicator Simplifies Model Deployment on Cluster Architectures

Thoughts on DeepMind TF-Replicator with Synced

autoplotly - One Line of R Code to Build Interactive Visualizations for Popular Statistical Results

Automatic Generation of Interactive Visualizations in ggplot2 and plotly Styles

tfestimators: TensorFlow Estimators in R

R Interface to TensorFlow Estimators

CSDN专访:掌握 Google 深度学习框架的正确姿势

An Interview with CSDN (

《TensorFlow实战》- 掌握谷歌深度学习框架

TensorFlow in Practice: First Book on TensorFlow in Chinese


An Interview with Synced ( on Open-source

TensorFlow - Not Just for Deep Learning

A Glance at Its Machine Learning Building Blocks and Collection of Algorithms

Building Machine Learning Estimator in TensorFlow

Understanding the Internals of TensorFlow Learn Estimators

High-level Learn Module in TensorFlow

Seemless Integration and Changes on Scikit Flow

5 Questions with Uptake Data Scientist and Scikit Flow Co-creator Yuan Tang

An Interview with Uptake

Introduction to Scikit Flow

A Simplified Interface to TensorFlow


One Line of Code to ggplot2 Popular R Packages

Deep Learning

Announcing New Book: Distributed Machine Learning Patterns

Building Large Scale Machine Learning Systems

社区分享 | 玩转 TensorFlow 社区开源贡献

Introduction to Kubeflow MPI Operator and Industry Adoption


An Interview with CSDN (

Sponsoring My Open Source Efforts through GitHub

DeepMind TF-Replicator Simplifies Model Deployment on Cluster Architectures

Thoughts on DeepMind TF-Replicator with Synced

tfestimators: TensorFlow Estimators in R

R Interface to TensorFlow Estimators

CSDN专访:掌握 Google 深度学习框架的正确姿势

An Interview with CSDN (

《TensorFlow实战》- 掌握谷歌深度学习框架

TensorFlow in Practice: First Book on TensorFlow in Chinese


An Interview with Synced ( on Open-source

TensorFlow - Not Just for Deep Learning

A Glance at Its Machine Learning Building Blocks and Collection of Algorithms

Building Machine Learning Estimator in TensorFlow

Understanding the Internals of TensorFlow Learn Estimators

High-level Learn Module in TensorFlow

Seemless Integration and Changes on Scikit Flow

5 Questions with Uptake Data Scientist and Scikit Flow Co-creator Yuan Tang

An Interview with Uptake

Introduction to Scikit Flow

A Simplified Interface to TensorFlow

Machine Learning

Introducing vLLM Inference Provider in Llama Stack

Introducing the AI Assistant for Argo CD inside Akuity Platform

Argo CD extension to help developers quickly analyze any issues in your Argo CD Applications

Announcing New Book: Distributed Machine Learning Patterns

Building Large Scale Machine Learning Systems

社区分享 | 玩转 TensorFlow 社区开源贡献

Introduction to Kubeflow MPI Operator and Industry Adoption


An Interview with CSDN (

Sponsoring My Open Source Efforts through GitHub

DeepMind TF-Replicator Simplifies Model Deployment on Cluster Architectures

Thoughts on DeepMind TF-Replicator with Synced

tfestimators: TensorFlow Estimators in R

R Interface to TensorFlow Estimators

CSDN专访:掌握 Google 深度学习框架的正确姿势

An Interview with CSDN (

《TensorFlow实战》- 掌握谷歌深度学习框架

TensorFlow in Practice: First Book on TensorFlow in Chinese


An Interview with Synced ( on Open-source

TensorFlow - Not Just for Deep Learning

A Glance at Its Machine Learning Building Blocks and Collection of Algorithms

Building Machine Learning Estimator in TensorFlow

Understanding the Internals of TensorFlow Learn Estimators

High-level Learn Module in TensorFlow

Seemless Integration and Changes on Scikit Flow

5 Questions with Uptake Data Scientist and Scikit Flow Co-creator Yuan Tang

An Interview with Uptake

Introduction to Scikit Flow

A Simplified Interface to TensorFlow


Introducing vLLM Inference Provider in Llama Stack

AI/ML Innovation in the Kubernetes Ecosystem

Recent innovations like the Model Registry, ModelCars feature, and TrustyAI are delivering manageability, speed, and accountability for AI/ML workloads

Open Source AI at Red Hat: Our Journey in the Kubeflow Community

Empower Conversational AI at Scale with KServe

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe Co-located Event Deep Dive: Cloud Native AI Day

What's new in Argo Workflows v3.5

Exciting New Features with Improved User Experience and Performance

Introducing the AI Assistant for Argo CD inside Akuity Platform

Argo CD extension to help developers quickly analyze any issues in your Argo CD Applications

From Argo to Mentoring and Everything In Between

Humans of Cloud Native

Argo Security Automation with OSS-Fuzz

Continuous Fuzzing Integration in Argo

Unveil the Secret Ingredients of Continuous Delivery at Enterprise Scale with Argo CD

Deep Dive into Argo CD and Best Practices for Operating at Enterprise-Scale

ArgoCon 2021 Akuity Team Recap

Impressive Numbers From This Conference and Recap on the 4 Sessions From the Akuity Team

Announcing New Book: Distributed Machine Learning Patterns

Building Large Scale Machine Learning Systems

社区分享 | 玩转 TensorFlow 社区开源贡献

Introduction to Kubeflow MPI Operator and Industry Adoption


An Interview with CSDN (

Sponsoring My Open Source Efforts through GitHub

DeepMind TF-Replicator Simplifies Model Deployment on Cluster Architectures

Thoughts on DeepMind TF-Replicator with Synced