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📖 Check out what he's working on and the Distributed Machine Learning Patterns book!

Yuan is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat AI. Previously, he has led AI infrastructure and platform teams at various companies. He holds leadership positions in open source projects, including Argo , Kubeflow , and Kubernetes . He's also a maintainer and author of many popular open source projects . In addition, Yuan authored three technical books and published numerous impactful papers. He's a regular conference speaker, technical advisor, leader, and mentor at various organizations.

唐源,现任 红帽 AI 主任软件工程师。在此之前,曾在多家公司带领过团队建立 AI 基础架构和平台。 他在多个开源项目担任 Leader 职位,包括 Argo Kubeflow 、以及 Kubernetes 。也是 多个开源软件 的作者和维护者。 唐源 著有 三本技术书籍以及多篇有影响力的论文。 他不定期地在不同的技术会议上 发表演讲。 同时也是多个 公司和开源组织 的技术顾问、团队 Leader、以及导师。