tfestimators: TensorFlow Estimators in R

R Interface to TensorFlow Estimators

The tfestimators package is an R interface to TensorFlow Estimators, a high-level API that provides implementations of many different model types including linear models and deep neural networks. ...

CSDN专访:掌握 Google 深度学习框架的正确姿势

An Interview with CSDN (

转自CSDN,原文链接。 自 2015 年底开源到如今更快、更灵活、更方便的 1.0 版本正式发布,由 Google 推出的第二代分布式机器学习系统 TensorFlow 一直在为我们带来惊喜,一方面是技术层面持续的迭代演进,从分布式版本、服务框架 TensorFlow Serving、上层封装 TF.Learn 到 Windows 支持、JIT 编译器 XLA、动态计算图框架 Fold ...

《TensorFlow实战》- 掌握谷歌深度学习框架

TensorFlow in Practice: First Book on TensorFlow in Chinese

Google TensorFlow研发团队内部推荐的首本中文教程——《TensorFlow实战》,由TensorFlow Contributor、Committer倾力编写,获Jeff Dean、TensorFlow工程研发总监 Rajat Monga、李开复等专家赞誉好评,已成为许多中国公司和研究机构的教导材料的首选,并且已被翻译成韩语等多种语言。 适读人群:希望快速上手TensorFl...


An Interview with Synced ( on Open-source

中文 Chinese 英语 English 转自机器之心,原文链接。 这次对话中聊到了自己在开源上的经历和经验,对开源社区以及深度学习开源项目的一些想法和看法。 关于开源的一些想法 机器之心:你参与过 TensorFlow, XGBoost, MXNet 等软件项目,同时也是 Scikit Flow, ggfortify, metric-lear...

TensorFlow - Not Just for Deep Learning

A Glance at Its Machine Learning Building Blocks and Collection of Algorithms

(Chinese translation here (中文) by Xiatian) One time when I was illustrating the code base and architecture of TensorFlow to my friends, they were quite surprised by how much more code was introduc...

Building Machine Learning Estimator in TensorFlow

Understanding the Internals of TensorFlow Learn Estimators

(This blog is featured in DataScienceWeekly here and Chinese translation here (中文) by Xiatian) Have you ever wondered what’s the magic behind the tutorials on Large-scale Linear Models and Wide &a...

High-level Learn Module in TensorFlow

Seemless Integration and Changes on Scikit Flow

(This blog is featured in DataScienceWeekly here) Since Scikit Flow has been included in v0.8 as its TensorFlow Learn module, it has been under rapid development both internally and externally to ...

5 Questions with Uptake Data Scientist and Scikit Flow Co-creator Yuan Tang

An Interview with Uptake

Note: This interview was conducted by Uptake team and the original blog was posted here. Scikit Flow was renamed to be TensorFlow Estimators and is now part of TensorFlow core. Yuan Tang, a data s...

Introduction to Scikit Flow

A Simplified Interface to TensorFlow

(This blog is featured in DataScienceWeekly here) In November, 2015, Google open-sourced its numerical computation library called TensorFlow using data flow graphs. Its flexible implementation and...


One Line of Code to ggplot2 Popular R Packages

ggfortify 有着简单易用的统一的界面来用一行代码来对许多受欢迎的R软件包结果进行二维可视化的一个R工具包。这让许多的统计学家以及数据科学家省去了许多繁琐和重复的过程,不用对结果进行任何处理就能以 {ggplot} 的风格画出好看的图,大大地提高了工作的效率。 虽然ggfo...